Monday, March 23, 2020

The badly behaved (or potentially badly behaved)

The first time I lived in Japan, you could buy beer and sake from vending machines.  We no longer see those options.  Was this discontinued because of bad behavior?

The Women Only train cars were definitely started in response to bad behavior.

Cell phones bought in Japan necessarily click when a picture is taken.  This is in response to bad behavior by young men, particularly on escalators.

The Moss garden is only available by making advance reservation by postcard at least one week in advance.  Signs said that this system of limiting visitors was developed in response to concerns from the neighbors about traffic, noise, and trash.  There will be Moss Temple pictures in another post.

Today’s shrine along the Hokugawa River above Arishiyama was started by a wealthy merchant.  In 1603 his family was allowed to send one vessel per year from Nagasaki to what is now Vietnam.  The ship was 40 meters long and took 390 crew members and passengers.  Cargo included military equipment (saddles, swords and armor), as well as sulpher, copper, crystal beads, fine paper, ink stones, and musical instruments that were traded for silk, ivory, medicines, books, tea, aromatic wax and incense.  After one of the voyages, the Prince of Annam (now in Vietnam), sent a letter in Chinese complaining about the unruly behavior of Sumionokura.  This all came to an end with the 1635 National Seclusion policy that eliminated foreign contact. 

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