Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Someday you will want to find the Shunkoin Temple, Zen Center, and Guest House

Reverend Takafumi Kawakami
Vice Abbot/ International Affairs Coordinator  at Shunkoin Temple
The Fellow of the U.S.-Japan Leadership Program by the U.S.-Japan Foundation
Researcher at the Keio Media Design in Keio University
Mindfulness Instructor

Shunkoin Temple & Zen Center


42 Myoshinji-Cho, Hanazono, Ukyo-Ku,
Kyoto, Kyoto 616-8035

Phone: 075-462-5488
International: +81.75.462.5488
Mobile: 090-5667-8992

We did a meditation class; they also offer classes in calligraphy, and offer a tea ceremony experience.  The calm of the place nurtures the spirit!

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