Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Forest Bathing – Shinrin-yoku

Son Dave has found the label for the many benefits we get from time slowly immersed in nature.  The concept is not new, but the Japanese have a word for it – reflecting that you bathe your senses when you slow down to pay attention outdoors.

REI thinks this is a thing.  Time magazine has covered it.

Not supposed to take your camera, but how else can I show you?  How else can I hint at the benefits?  Pictures from today.  Between two UNESCO World Heritage sites, there were steps leading uphill.  No indication of where they were going.  First a cemetery, then a path, then a narrower path.  All uphill, and the last part surrounded by Japanese cedars.

We did not visit Miura Lumber, only read about it.  “Miura Lumber sells original houses constructed with timbers grown in Kyoto, mortar, and natural stones, as well as displaying rare and fashionable trees.  They offer ‘Wood Therapy’, which aims at reducing stress and having a calm mindset by touching wood.”

1 comment:

  1. We were thinking of you. Being "stuck" in Japan sounds great after all. Enjoy the "wood therapy" and see you soon.

