Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Real Work -- with Prof. Yuko Yato

Prof. Yuko Yato spent a few weeks as a visiting researcher at George Washington University about 4 years ago.  My students and I helped her collect data on mother-child interactions.  So we got together recently with her post-doc and two students to look at the data.  It was nice to be back doing real work in my field!  Part of her research question was whether the observational instrument that had been developed in Japan would work with the American mothers and children.  Data suggests that it was working.

Getting the IC train card that works on all the lines has made life easier.  I no longer need to deal with a handful of coins and looking up on a chart the different fares for different stops.  Sometimes the fare chart is only in Japanese, or the minor stations are only in Japanese. 

And going to Ritsumeikan University I took the Women's car.

t was working.

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