Saturday, March 7, 2020

20-something travel. 70-something travel.

One of my colleagues suggested that the trip Will and I are taking is like someone in their 20s would take.  We choose what we want to do day by day.  Or choose 3-day chunks.  Although we are based in Kyoto, we took a 2-night trip to Nara, and are on a 3-night trip to the island of Shikoku.

Based on this suggestion, we have paid careful attention to what the 20-somethings are doing.  Seems like they are rushing through three or four sites in a day, while we are leisurely taking in one or two sites.  They are focusing on UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and we are mixing those with smaller sites.  We are taking time to take pictures, and I am stopping to write haiku.

If we don't get going until 10:00 am, that is fine.  Maybe the rain will have stopped.  If we fail to figure out which is the express train, fine.   We might slow down and see the cartoon character train on the next platform.  If we cannot follow the signs and hike out of our way, fine.  After all, it was at a rest station deep in the woods outside Nara that we found the notice with the phone number we should call if we are very sick and suspect coronavirus.

Maple leaves

Flattened momiji --
the leaves remember footsteps,
snowflakes, and rain.

Trip to Kameoka (and COVID 19)

Moist north wind
Glances over fallow fields --
Thick fog obscures views.

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