Saturday, March 7, 2020

Coronavirus and travels....

We had planned to go from Japan, through Korea, through China, to Mongolia -- arriving in Mongolia April 15.  But the American Embassy in Mongolia has sent home all non-essential people -- including Peace Corps Volunteers.  Mongolia has closed all schools, and children are not to be seen in public until the end of March.  The embassy (State Department) recommends that no one go there.  Most of the problem is that there are no flights from Japan, Korea, and China (Russia is the only other place with flights, I am pretty sure) and the on-the-ground medical system is overwhelmed with the usual seasonal issues.  Not even sure if they have coronavirus.  Or do they even have test kits?

We met someone from Denmark who had spent time in Iceland with Chinese tourists from Wuhan -- so she had to quarantine at home (and telework) for 14 days when she returned.  We met her in Japan, and she was going to have to do the same thing when she returned from Japan.  

So we are hunkering down and loving Japan!  We are visiting a professor of linguistics from Shikoku Gakuin University on the island of Shikiko.  We are staying in our own room in a pilgrims and backpacker's hostel.  Hiked 1368 steps and some paths to a temple and ate some amazing hand-made udon (noodles).

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