Friday, April 3, 2020

(Mostly) I love Arlington....grandmothers are not supposed to use the f-word.

(Mostly) I love Arlington.....
Parks are closed; playgrounds are closed.  Tennis courts and basketball courts are closed.  But the bike/run/walk trails are open.  And I am running, and building my distance week by week (4 miles every other day this week).  Most people are good about keeping 6 feet apart.

But this morning, two runners came by me at a distance of 2 or 2 1/2 feet.  I said, "Next time, please give me 6 feet", and they turned around and laughed.  So I said, "This is not funny.  I am a lot older than you.  Please be safe."  About 30 feet in front of me was a walker who was clearly quite concerned about distancing.  She was walking in the grass to the right of the trail, and putting her hand out to her left side to remind people to keep their distance.  The two runners did not distance themselves from her any more than the did for me.  So I shouted WTF. 

The rest of the day went more smoothly.  To keep my sanity, I am gardening most of the day.  And the yard has a lot of high points right now.  The double blossom cherry tree is essentially at its peak.

The cherry petals
Distributed by the wind --
Now more cherry leaves.

Two doves sitting on their nest in front of the house.  We thought there was just one dove -- but today we saw two.  Sort of a changing of the guard, and they swaped out the nest-sitting responsibility.  
Good day for solar cooking.  350 degrees.

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