Sunday, April 5, 2020

Free at last -- to grocery shop

We finished our 14-day self quarantine......which freed us to do our own grocery shopping.  We appreciate Calli and Keith for the first batch of groceries and Jim for the second batch of groceries.  I had to get up before 6:00 am to go to Giant for senior shopping hour from 6:00 to 7:00 am. 

I put on the mask that granddaughter Madeline made, disposable gloves, and took along wipes for the cart handle.  The car was left in Colorado for Nick (assuming we were not returning to the US until August, and that we could travel to get it), so I went by bicycle. 

Most products were there in the store.  Very limited availability of toilet paper -- but we did get some.  Limited availability of eggs -- are hens laying fewer? Are people eating more?  Very limited availability of flour -- but Jim had brought us some last week.  I understand that baking is occupying families who are staying at home.  There was limited availability of dishwasher soap -- perhaps there are more dirty dishes as families are eating home more.  No soy yogurt -- I will see if I can use dairy yogurt as a starter for soy yogurt. 

There were only about 4 other people in the store. The cashier had on gloves, face mask, plastic face shield, and there was a plexiglass barrier between the customer and the cashier.  Will came on his bike to help me carry the groceries home.  He was wearing a face mask made by our friend Debbie. 

We checked in with Janice and her family in Germany.  She looks and acts more and more grown up!  No basketball, but Janice is running and also doing yoga from videos.  None of the kids are in school, but they have some schoolwork to do.  The family has been taking the coronavirus very seriously -- but indicated that others did not.  When Pius shopped, he bought food for more than a month so that he does not need to come so near people again for a long time.

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