Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Don't peak -- gardening advice to myself

To keep sane, I have been gardening every day -- digging out invasive plants that have been taking hold over the years, and preparing for more native plants.  In the back yard there was a very small snake under a large piece of flagstone.  I want so badly to lift the stone again to see if he is still there.  Working on the steps to the upper yard, there were two lizards.  Maybe they are skinks.  I want to lift those stone again.  In the front yard, tearing out some ivy, there was another baby snake.  I covered it with some leaves and twigs.  I want to look. 

And I have planted water lily seeds in mud and water (in my dining room) -- I want to dig one out to see if it is sprouting.

Patience.  We are all going to need a lot of it!

The prairie plant from Mary Beth (Pasque flower?) is patient in the front yard.

Pink petals snowing --
With every breath of wind
A few more scatter.

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