Monday, August 19, 2013

When to bow

In Japan, bowing these days is often just a small lean or a small nod of the head.  So, when is it called for?  Meeting up with people you know or saying thank you (arigato gozaimasu) is usually accompanied by a small bow.  But when else?

As the conductor on the train is leaving the car, he or she turns to face the car, says some thing softly and bows.

A car slowed down as it was turning turn to let two pedestrians cross in the crosswalk.  They paused for a short bow before scurrying across.

In the museum, the guards bowed as we entered the room.  (And it turns out that an airconditioned museum is a good spot on a hot day.)

The fire truck was coming along with its siren, and a couple of firefighters bowed to the driver who pulled over so it could pass.

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