Thursday, August 15, 2013

How I know that I am not in greater DC

I have only seen two escalators out of order in 6 weeks (and one looked like routine maintenance with a vacuum cleaner).

Almost no one is overweight.

Most people get around by public transportation or bicycle.

The fireworks that Nick and I went to lasted an HOUR.  There were a few pauses of 3 to 4 minutes, but still....  And they were spectacular with many multiple deployments and interesting shapes like the dragon flies and smiley faces.

Police officers ride scooters.

The taxi cars are clean, with white fabric covers on the seats and white gloved drivers.  No smoke smell, no phone calls, no radio.  The driver opens the doors some secret way from the inside.  A couple of times a cab has signaled that it would stop, then has driven on by when it saw who we were.  (That might not be so different from some people's experiences in DC.)

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