Monday, July 7, 2014

Wildlife on Lorcom Lane

There is an amazing variety of wildlife right here in our yard!

Last summer, Mary Beth gave me extra hostas, and they have done very well arranged as a semicircle in the front yard.  They were lush, and just starting to bloom when the deer found them.  Now they are regularly muched by the deer, and look pretty pathetic.

The chipmunk and squirrel are of great interest to the dog Lance.  The chipmunk regularly runs into a horizontal downspout, and Lance paws at it and tries to get him out.  He seems to have other hiding places under rocks and under the deck.

At first the baby bunny did not eat the lettuce that self seeded in the front yard, but now he is a little fatter and sassier -- and enjoys the lettuce.  No gourmet, he ignores the basil!  Lance gets very excited and wants to go out when he sees the bunny -- I always give the bunny a head start.

Today there was a baby robin -- with spotted breast -- flying after its mother.  Other regular birds right now include sparrows, a catbird and a mocking bird.

Lizards and snakes.  There is a fast moving blue skink we sometimes catch glimpses of.  In addition, both my neighbor and I saw a very long black snake, and both looked it up on the internet to make sure it was not poisonous.  The black ratsnake is black on top, whitish below, not too big around, and was at least 3 1/2 feet long, maybe 4.  He was resting his first 6 inches on my front steps when I saw him.

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