Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Solar cooking in Iowa

Solar Cookers International ran a great international conference in Sacramento -- two days of talks and conversation, and one day of demonstrations in a park open to the public.  Barbara (Barratt) and I were not the only two-generation family at the conference.  We learned so much, met so many people, and had a great time. 

I came directly to Iowa from Sacramento to visit my son Dan and his family.  We went to the children's museum this morning, then to Target to buy a black pot.  After lunch and a merry-go-round ride, I did not get home until almost 2:00.  I set up the new Haines solar cooker (panel cooker) on their sidewalk at 2:00 with rice, and the rice was done just fine for dinner!

I thought that the windscreen might be too loose and be letting out too much hot air, but clearly not.  The whole thing traveled well on the plane (sticking out of my backpack), and was easy to set up. The pot is raised up off the reflective surface with a clear plastic cylinder, and instead of having to use a plastic bag to hold the hot air around the pot, the windscreen holds in the heat enough for cooking. 

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