Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Not an octopus

We did a great job figuring out the London tube and the Paris Metro both within 24 hours when we took the overnight bus from London to Paris.  And both are straight forward, intuitive systems.  In fact, signage in the London tube is much better than any of the signage above ground.

When we returned to London, we wanted to get a 5-day pass (for simplicity, and for saving money).  so, I went to the counter to ask for an octopus card.  Oops -- that is what they call their metro cards in Singapore.  Turns out that the card here is an Oyster card, and they thought I was pretty funny.  I can see that my brain stored in the same place, or an adjacent place, the names of sea creatures who start with "O" and whose names are used for subway cards.

In Singapore, I got a wrist-watch that acts as an Octopus card!

We have succeeded in using the Oyster card to get to the "Youth" hostel, the British Museum, Greenwich, the Tower of London and the Tate Modern. 

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