Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Arrival in Vietnam

Two nights ago we had a panel presentation on the history of the Vietnam conflict.  Will was one of the panelists.  Another was someone who had served, and later married a Vietnamese woman, and later worked with Vietnam Veterans Against the War.  And another was Bob Brigham – a Vassar faculty member who had a very active role in normalization of relations some years later.  He has some books, including one co-authored with McNamara.

Will did a great job just telling his story and putting it into a somewhat larger personal context.  Several people have come up to him since to compliment him and to continue the conversation.

The whole experience of arriving in Vietnam is actually quite odd for me.  I grew up with the war on TV at dinner every night.  Skip started down the road to Conscientious Objector status until his draft lottery number came up good.  My student apartment in Michigan was covered with very large maps of Vietnam that we used to keep track of the conflict.

As we were coming towards land, the sea was littered with small fishing boats.  We took a 4 hour trip up the Saigon River to reach Ho Chi Minh City.  Along the way was a lot of low-lying forested land, some more fishing boats, and a few dwellings.  There were also 2 or 3 story concrete buildings with one row of small holes on each floor where windows would have been.  Bird noises were coming from these.  Puzzling.

We were briefed last night about all the horrors that can befall us here in Ho Chi Minh City.  Malaria, dengue fever, pickpockets, petty thievery, automobile/motorbike accidents, drugged drinks, unsafe sex, drug overdoses, burns from moped exhaust pipes, etc.  Caution will guide us.

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