Monday, April 28, 2014

The best single food item I ever ate!

In a small village outside Kumasi in Ghana, we had a tour of a small cocoa plot.  Very interesting.  The blossoms, and subsequently the cocoa pods grow directly on the trunk.  The ripe pod is a bit larger than a mango, and when split open is is creamy white with many seeds, each a bit larger than a lima bean.  Just sucking on those pods is delicious -- slightly sweet and tangy.

To process the cocoa, the seeds are wrapped in banana leaves and left to ferment for a week.  Then the white fibrous wrapping on each seed can be removed and the cocoa pods are spread on a screen mesh (mounted up on sawhorses) to dry.  I tasted the sun warmed cocoa bean that had been curing for 7 days.  The guide said it would be too bitter -- better made into a candy bar with milk.  But, the inside of that one sun warmed cocoa bean was awesome!

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