Monday, April 28, 2014

Deforestation and bush meat

We were on our way from place to place on Friday and Saturday in Ghana.  All the time we saw people carrying bundles of wood on their heads.  It appeared to be dead wood, but I have no idea how it got to be dead, whose wood it was, and how deep into the forest they went to get it.  Apparently 75% of the forest is gone in Ghana.  Even in the National Park, there was not much virgin forest.

They looked a little more brown than rats, and perhaps a bit larger, and maybe with a bit thicker tail.  But they were definitely a pair of rodent-like creatures being held by their tails along the roadside.  Also along the roadside, we saw small containers with very large snails.  In a student paper for my class, they were described as being the size of hamburgers,  Maybe they were not the size of 5-Guy burgers, but certainly small McDonald's burgers.  these also are collected from the forest.  Apparently there is some movement to farm some of the bush animals....

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