Wednesday, May 20, 2020


Altercations -- I don't like this part of the pandemic....

In the grocery store this week --  I arrived by 6:15 am for senior shopping hour.  Giant has one way isles, cashiers behind plexiglass screens, with masks, and often face shields too.  Sounds pretty safe.  And there are only a few shoppers (2 to 4) in the store, and a few staff working on shelving.  So I was at the end of an isle.  The end of the aisle was narrow because of displays in the aisle.  Someone starts towards me to pass at the narrow point. I say "Keep 6 feet away."  Instead of slowing down, she bends over and pushes past me at close distance.  She had a basket of groceries, and maybe even a Giant name tag.

And in the woods today -- remember that I am running in the woods twice a week to avoid the bike trail after altercations there.  I hear someone running up from behind.  I turn around, hold up my hand, and say "wait, I will get out of the way".  I walk maybe 6 feet along the trail, 5 feet off the trail, and face away so he can pass.  This is a man of about 40 years.  As he passes he says, he says "Passive aggressive."  I say, "SAFE."  And I add, "I don't need your snark."

I wish folks could keep their distance in a civil way.

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